Sunday, February 15, 2009

Bodybuilding Life

The question that enters the mind these days is, "Do I really want to do this?" All the vivid memories of measuring food, resisting natural urges to eat even a teaspoon of natural peanut butter, and dreaming of ranch dressing (with the fat included) flood the mind. Afterall, training for a competition is nothing more than discipline and self-denial of phenomenal proportions. Not sure what my answer is today. Believe it's a resounding maybe! Not good.

Monday was back and bicep day. Love those days. Felt the burn. Felt energized. Even had steam left for some decent ab work. Favorite back exercises? Close grip rows. Feel strong with that move. Biceps? Well, I love it all - especially at the end after the N.O. Xplode has helped flood the muscle. Skin even gets tight without flexing. Oooh, that's cool!

Tonight was leg night. Got a little too crazy with the warm-up cardio and depleted my tiny store of glycogen. Yep, tiny. Tiny because Miss Melissa decided not to eat enough today. Ugh! Who does that on leg day. Weakness showed in the leg press, but the smith machine squats were the bomb! Love leg day - love it more when I've fueled properly throughout the day.

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